Fraser Valley Real Estate - Monthly Statistic Package July 2014
Fraser Valley Real Estate - Monthly Statistic Package July 2014
Fraser Valley Real Estate - Monthly Statistic Package June 2014
Fraser Valley Real Estate - Monthly Statistic Package May 2014
Fraser Valley Real Estate - Monthly Statistics Package April 2014
Fraser Valley Real Estate - Monthly Statistics Package March 2014
Fraser Valley Real Estate Board - Monthly Statistics Package Feb 2014
Fraser Valley Real Estate Board - Monthly Statistics Package Jan 2014
White Rock residents will soon start to see financial impact of plans to upgrade the city's water system. To the average homeowner, it's a boost of $5.77 per month, to $25.29. But if Epcor's rate apllication to the B.C. comptroller of water rights is approved, the bills will increase by about the same rate every year through 2017. That means the average homeowner will be paying more than double what they were last year by the end of the term.
Fraser Valley Real Estate Board - Monthly Statistic Package Dec 2013
When it comes to possibly relocating train tracks off the Semiahmoo Peninsula waterfront, municipal, provincial and federal politicians are on board with the idea of improving safety. White Rock Mayor Wayne Baldwin announced last week that Surrey and White Rock officials have been working since August to create a business case for relocating the tracks off the waterfront.
The average White Rock homeowner will be paying an extra $155 in property taxes next year, if council agrees with an increase city staff proposed for 2014.
According to a report that is to be considered this evening by council members meeting as the finance and audit committee, the increase-5.25 per cent, compared to 3.28 per cent that had been projected- is needed to address "major changes in expected operations of the city and resources required''.
Finacial services director Sandra Kurylo names the possible purchase of the city's water utility and related infrastructure improvements as the most significant new initiative behind the revamped figure.
While these anticipated expenditures are not yet in the finacial plan, it is important to consider this potential transaction and be prudent.... '' Kurylo writes.
The city also needs to boost its focus on building up its reserves '' in order for the city to contuine to be sustainable in the next 20, 30, or 50 years''.
A controversial highrise proposed for Vidal street is going ahead, following approval by White Rock council Monday Nov 7 2013.
Zoning and Official Community Plan amendments that facilitate construction of the 12-storey project received final reading on 4-3 votes, with Mayor Wayne Baldwin and couns. Al Campbell and Helen Fathers opposed.
The project, proposed for 1467 - 1519 Vidal St., includes 12 townhouse units and 97 apartments, underground parking and public green space.